Personality Types in Lenormand (based on Beyond Worlds podcasts)

I will be covering the personality types seen through Lenormand cards in these series, You can listen to the podcast from Beyond Worlds that became my inspiration for these posts here . The podcast is featuring a Lenormand expert, Rana George.  My posts contain a combination of the information from the podcast and my personal observations.


This would be a very outgoing and active person who always looks good and sharp. He or she is of a good physical fit. They are on the move; they can’t stay in one place for a long time. They need to act and act now. They would live in the moment and, boy, they know how to cherish it. If you go out with a ‘rider’ you won’t be disappointed as they will be glad to show you around and you will have a blast. They have a positive outlook on things, happy-go-lightly kind of personality. Their cars would be a symbol of their success: expensive, fancy and always fast.


People: Justin Timberlake, Bruce Wane, Holly Golightly



A risk taker. It’s an adventurous person who always gets lucky. Some may even envy them because they are constantly catching high tide. They are unafraid of changes and try to seize an opportunity that might bring them even a glimpse of success.


Jack Sparrow, Frank Abignale



A traveler. These people love to see and search the world. They have a spirit of freedom about them. They are fond of everything exotic and new. They would never cope with ‘boring’. They are looking for excitement in changing places.

People: Jacques Cousteau, Peter Pan



It is a kind of protective, family oriented, conservative person. They have a small circle they truly care for and they don’t like thinking outside the box. Their mind and their view of life are square-shaped. They are limited in many different ways. Nothing has more value than family interests and family reputation. The love children but not for who they are but for who they can make them to be – worthy heirs of their mansions.

People: Queen of England, Big Mama (“Cat on a hot tin roof”)

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