Tag Archives: Wonderland

My Alice and Totoro

My Alice and Totoro

Couldn´t resist to share this cute poster of Alice, Catbus aka Chesire Cat and Totoro, the heroes of a Japanese cartoon very dear to my heart. The composition called My Neighbor in Wonderland´ was created by Karen Hallion. You can buy a shirt or a greeting card with this image here if interested

Alice in Pointe Shoes

I am so excited to share this – National Ballet of Canada is on tour now with its version of Alice in Wonderland.

The ballet turned out to be a big success last year and now it’s back on stage upon countless demands.

The troupe performed in late October in Los Angeles and it’s coming to DC at the end of January.

When I saw a poster in the Kennedy Center I got so thrilled – I don’t know how they are going to pull it off – but there is one thing I am sure of the costumes are going to be spectacular.

Zenaida Yanowsky as The Queen of Hearts Photograph : ROH/Johan Persson

Steven McRae as The Mad Hatter Photograph : ROH/Johan Persson

I hope I’ll manage to get the tickets! Wait for my updates!


A review on a Los Angeles performance from A Bluestoking Kneats.