Tag Archives: Languages

Do They Teach Linguistics in Wonderland?

Speaking another language is a joy.. It gives you the power to pick up your favourite novel by Coelho or that sharp-witted play by Moliere and read them in original. No ill interpretations , no mediators, no misunderstanding ( well, that depends on the level of your language proficiency). Anyway, no one wants to be lost in translation…

Being a language lover myself, I will be the first one to say: You can’t learn all the languages in the world but you can surely die trying.

What if you don’t speak a language, does it mean you won’t be able to enjoy a piece of literature written in it, say Alice in Wonderland? Of course not!

I personally read Alice in 3 languages and I must admit it does sound a bit different but never wrong.

So in this post I want to share with you Alice in Wonderland book covers published in Iran, Russia and Spanish-speaking countries.


ماجراهای آلیس در سرزمین عجایب

Majeraha-e Alees dar sar zameen-e ajaeb


Приключения Алисы в стране чудес

Preekloocheniya Aleesi v strane choodes

Spanish-speaking countries

Las aventuras de Alicia en el país de las maravillas









So in which language the word “wonderland” sounds more wonderful to you?